The Messiah - Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
Video Series

Welcome to The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt video series! The videos on this web site explain how the Jewish holy days, also called the Appointed Times, speak of something far greater than the rituals that are observed annually by the Jewish people. According to Colossians 2:16-17, these festivals, new moons, and Sabbath Days, are shadows of things to come, but their substance (i.e. their meaning) belongs to Christ – the Messiah.  The Messiah is the key character of the Scriptures, from early Genesis to the end of Revelation, and He is worthy of profound honor, since He will, one day, return to establish His kingdom overall the earth.  Please join us for this fascinating study of the Bible!

Part 1

The Messiah in the Appointed Times

The video lessons in this section introduce the Appointed Times – the Jewish holy days – as they were given to the nation of Israel through Moses.

  • Lesson 1 introduces the concept of the Messiah, and presents a high-level overview of how the Appointed Times speak of Him.  
  • Lesson 2 provides some valuable background information about how the Israelites track time – a concept that is of the greatest importance in understanding this subject!
  • Lesson 3 explains why this information is so important – why it deeply affects you and me and every person who has ever lived.

Part 2

The Spring Appointed Times

The Spring Appointed Times appear to have been designed to form a unique pattern of dates and times and images that we refer to as The Time-Signature of the Messiah.  The individual who fulfills every aspect of these timing elements is the one who was appointed by God as His Messiah.  Jesus fulfilled every aspect of this time signature, down to the very hour, proving beyond a shadow of doubt that He is truly the Messiah!

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Jesus by the lake charcoal drawing by Kate Orr. The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of DoubtPassover blood on door charcoal drawing by Kate Orr. The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt